On Trump and the Weather Back East

The good people of the great state of Alabama have been spared any effects from Hurricane Dorian, but there was no avoiding the fallout from another of President Donald Trump’s “tweets.”
Earlier this week Trump “tweeted” that Alabama was threatened by the hurricane, but shortly afterwards the National Weather Service “tweeted” that Alabama was well beyond any anticipated path of the storm and unlikely to suffer any nasty weather. Trump is loathe to ever admit any mistake, however, so on Wednesday he unveiled a weather map that had been clearly and quite clumsily altered to back up his “tweet.”
By now Trump’s die hard fans have come to accept his frequent “bullshit” — if you’ll forgive a vulgarism that is now part of presidential rhetoric — but this is hard for anyone else to overlook. When a president takes to “twitter” to prognosticate about the weather he should be relying on the most reliable data available, and if it proves wrong, as it so often does, he should be willing to admit it. Clumsily altering an NWS weather map with what looks to be a felt-tipped pen, or a “Sharpie” as the youngsters call it, should be beyond the presidential pale.
The best available data suggests that the Carolinas and the east coast up to the Washington, D.C, are threatened by flooding rains and surge tides and battering winds from Hurricane Dorian. We surely hope not, as these are great states full of fine people, but we advise them to put more more trust in God than Trump.

— Bud Norman

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