Happy Easter in a Sad Time

Sunday is Easter, the holiest day on the Christian calendar, and it will be very different from any Easter we can remember. We won’t be worshipping with our congregation, or having ham and sweet potatoes with our family, or watching kids hunt for Easter eggs and eat chocolate bunnies.
The coronavirus won’t allow for that, even on the holiest day of the year, and although that saddens us greatly we understand the necessity of foregoing a traditional celebration with family and friends and fellow worshippers.
It will still be Easter, though, the anniversary of that glorious day when Jesus Christ was resurrected from the tomb. Even in our solitude we will be grateful for that, and let it rekindle our faith in the possibility that all who believe can someday be together in a more perfect world. Here’s hoping you have someone to share the day with, but even if you don’t be assured that you are not alone.
Have as happy an Easter as possible in these hard times, and be sure that better times are ahead.

— Bud Norman