Trump, the Bible, and Photo-ops Gone Awry

President Donald Trump has visited two different churches this weekend, which is about as much as he visits a church in any given year, and he clearly did it for the benefit of the media’s still and video cameras. Needless to say, it set off yet another controversy.
Trump appeared in front of a shrine honoring Pope John Paul on Monday, and Washington’s Catholic Archbishop said “I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously in a fashion that violates our religious principles, which call us to defend the rights of all people, even those with whom we disagree.” On Tuesday, On Tuesday Trump posed in front of the St. John’s Episcopalian Church near the White, holding up a Bible for the benefit of the cameras, waving a Bible at the cameras, prompting the Episcopal Bishop of Washington to say “I am outraged,” adding the church hadn’t received advance that Trump notice would be tear-gassing peaceful protestors to make the visit, and that “everything he’s he’s said and done is to inflame violence.” Even the low-church and conservative televangelist Pat Robertson said Trump’s response to all the rioting and protests that have lately occurred across the country “isn’t cool.”
The more sycophantic sorts of Christians have rushed to Trump’s defense, and all his bluster about unleashing vicious dogs and awesome weapons and America’s military might to restore law and order, but he still looks ridiculous waving a Bible around as he does so. Trump’s unfamiliarity with the text is now well documented, from his telling an evangelical audience that he’d never asked God’s forgiveness is pray, to his citing of “Two Corinthians” at a Christian college, to his admission that his favorite verse from Scripture is “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” which was amended by Jesus in the New Testament and doesn’t mean what Trump thinks it means even in its Old Testament context.
We’re doing our best to be good Christians, which means not judging any other man’s soul, but as American citizens in a democratic republic we’re obliged to assess the character of the men and women on our ballots, and more than ever we find Trump wanting in that regard. He’s a bully and a braggart who lies daily, has cheated on all three of his wives, and boasted that cheating on his taxes makes him smart, and he’s cheated his employees and investors and the draft and even his partners in a friendly game of golf. At a national prayer breakfast, of all places, he disagreed with Jesus’ admonition to love one’s enemies, and we’re sure he’d also dispute all that stuff about “Blessed are the peacemakers” an “Blessed are the meek” and turning the other cheek and welcoming the stranger, and we’d love to ask him which of Christ’s teachings he does agree with. Our Catholic friends have named pride, greed, lust, gluttony, envy, wrath and sloth as the Seven Deadly Sins, and he seems to check off every box. They also tell us the seven cardinal virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, faith, hope and charity, and none of those describe Trump.
We’re as much for law and order as the next guy, and share everyone’s dismay about the wanton destruction that’s lately occurred, but Trump waving a Bible he’s never read in front of the cameras at a church he doesn’t worship at won’t help. His more secular threats to deploy the military to “dominate” the streets, and start shooting rioters and protestors if the governors who have constitutional authority to deal with this mess don’t comply with his wishes, also seems unhelpful in calming down an agitated nation.

— Bud Norman

The Penalty for Early Withdrawal

President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of American forces in Syria in advance of an invasion of the country Turkey being widely criticized, even by such reliably sycophantic supporters as South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell and televangelist Pat Robertson. The move is seen as a betrayal of America’s Kurdish allies that will make future alliances harder to forge, an appeasement of Turkey’s authoritarian government that will eventually redound to the benefit of Russia and Iran, and an opportunity for the brutal Islamic State to regroup.
Scarier yet, as far as we’re concerned, is Trump’s “tweeted” attempt to reassure the public that he knows what he’s doing.
“As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!).” Trump wrote. “They must, with Europe and others, watch over the capture ISIS fights and families. The U.S. has done far more than anyone expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory. THE USA IS GREAT!”
The die-hard Trump defenders will once again insist that he was being jocular with that line about his “great and unmatched wisdom,” and it did get a lot of laughs on the late night comedy shows, but a “tweet” about national security seems an odd place for a joke. Trump told the Republican party’s convention that “Only I can fix” the nation’s problems, has boasted of his “very big brain” and repeatedly described himself as a “very stable genius,” and he’s never given a wink or any other indication that he was joking rather than bragging. His confidence in his instincts are such that he reportedly didn’t bother to consult anyone at the Pentagon or State Department about his Syrian withdrawal, which does not inspire our confidence.
One also wonders what Trump’s great and unmatched wisdom might consider “off limits” for Turkey, which is poised to invade Syria with the obvious intention of fighting the Kurds rather than the remnants of the Islamic State, and when Trump ever destroyed the Turkish economy.
The betrayal of the Kurds, along with Trump’s withdrawal from several treaties and constant badgering of longtime military and trade partners, will make it harder for self-proclaimed greatest negotiator ever will make it harder for America to enlist international support when it is inevitably needed. Giving free rein to the Turks will delight the Russian and Iranian governments, who don’t have America’s best interests at heart. The Islamic State won’t soon regain its caliphate, but without America helping the Kurds keep a foot on its throat the terror gang will be better able to launch attacks against America and whatever allies it has left.
It’s hard for us and even the likes of Graham and McConnell and Robertson to see how this is making America great again, but we don’t have Trump’s great and unmatched wisdom.

— Bud Norman